~Starclan cats~
Daisystar was the leader of a clan that long ago made it's home in what Ravenclan now calls it's territory.Her clan fell apart after the discovery that their medicine cat had killed her and a few other missing cats.She now watches over Ravenclan hoping to keep it from a similar fate.Even thought most of her clan's ancestors have moved on to other hunting grounds.Unkownst to anyone she is one of Hollystar and Fangheart's ancestors.Her warrior name was Daisybreeze.
Spottedpool was a medicine cat in Daisystar's clan before Daisystar was even born.She was known for her gentle but stuborn attitude and loved all of her clan.She died giving birth to kits she was never supposed to have.Her kits are Silvercloud and Featherkit.She decided to stay with Daisystar to help in any way she could,instead of fallowing the rest of her deceased clan mates.
Buzzardpelt is a temper mental tom who used to be a medicine cat.It was his apprentice that tour apart the clan he loved.He stayed along with Daisystar and Spottedpool in an attempt to try to make up for not having seen the evil in his apprentice and stopping her.He still blames himself even thought he's to proud to admit his guilt.Especially since his litter mate was one of the cats who were killed.He is one of Shadowfoot's ancestors.
Silvercloud is Spottedpool's daughter and decided to stay with her mother to watch over the new clan.She doesn't have any far off kin in the clan but watches over all the clan's members as if they were kin.She keeps a special eye on Ravenclan kits,having always wanted some of her own but having died of green cough before she could.
Silvercloud is Spottedpool's daughter and decided to stay with her mother to watch over the new clan.She doesn't have any far off kin in the clan but watches over all the clan's members as if they were kin.She keeps a special eye on Ravenclan kits,having always wanted some of her own but having died of green cough before she could.
Petalface is a far off ancestor of Shadowfoot's, thought Ravenclan isen't her birthclan she stayed behind with some of the others to watch over it.She also stayed to keep an eye on her brother,to make sure he doesn't kill himself twice, this time for good because of the past.Her brother is Buzzardpelt.She was killed by Poisonsoul the last medicine cat of her clan.
Petalface is a far off ancestor of Shadowfoot's, thought Ravenclan isen't her birthclan she stayed behind with some of the others to watch over it.She also stayed to keep an eye on her brother,to make sure he doesn't kill himself twice, this time for good because of the past.Her brother is Buzzardpelt.She was killed by Poisonsoul the last medicine cat of her clan.
She is a formal StreamClan warrior, who is respected by all of the clan, and known for her beautiful frosty eyes.
Brackenfall was Shadowfoot's mate.He was killed in a fox attack shortly before they joined the clan.He now watches over her and their kits.He is very proud of his family and of his mate for raising their kits even with her blindness.
Thunder is Finchflight's mother.Even thought she's not a clan cat in the traditional sense having lived her whole life as a kittypet, she was still excepted into starclan and watches over her only living kit proudly.She died shortly after giving birth from loss of blood,even after her twolegs brought her to what she calls the vet.Her kits are Finchflight and Rosie.She takes care of starclan's kits and makes sure they stay out of trouble.
Featherkit is Spottedpool's daughter and Silvercloud's sister.She died only moments after being born and fallowed her mother to starclan.She never wonders what life would have been like had she lived longer and happy to be a kit for the rest of eternity.She's very innocent but at the same time wise as well from having watched over cats for so many moons.She sometimes visits other kits in their dreams to play with them.
Rosie is Thunder's daughter and Finchflight's sister.She was hit by a twoleg's monster while playing in the entrance path of her twolegs's nest.After she died she was welcomed by her mother and later joined starclan with her.She watches over her now grown up brother happily and loves to see the games that the clans kits come up with.
~Dark Forest cats~
She's Nightstar's mate.Bluethunder is also Brightkit and Deadsoot 's mother.
Lioncry is a fierce she-cat with piercing blue eyes that not many can look at for long.Lioncry was a loyal warrior to her clan for a long time.Then her mate killed their only kit.She in turn killed him,and from then on she was thirsty for blood.She started with killing cats when ever she could without killing anyone in her own clan but eventually she grew jealous of the clan's nursing queens that still had their kits.So she began secretly killing them,making it look as if it had been a fox or another creature.For many moons her clan did not have kits.Eventually she was caught and sentenced to exile.She was killed by a fox before she could make it out of the territory thought.Queens used her story to scare their kits into obedience for a long time but now no one remembers her.
Barkpaw died as an apprentice helping Poisonsoul whom he had a crush on.He was killed by her when she feared he would betray her and tell the clan her true nature.For having a paw in killing some of his clan mates he was sentenced to walk the rest of eternity in the dark forest at his crush's beck and call.
Poisonsoul was Buzzardpelt's apprentice and the last medicine cat of her clan.She killed her clan mates instead of healing them because she hated them.She hates all clans because she thinks they're weak and that they are based on nothing but lies and half-truths.She knew Barkpaw had a crush on her,so she pretended to love him and fed him lies in order to make him help her kill their clan mates.Her name wasn't always Poisonsoul,it used to be Sweetsoul but she changed it to Poisonsoul right before she died at the claws of her clan's deputy.Since she no longer had to pretend to be sweet and caring.She watched from the dark forest as her clan fell apart.She now watches Ravenclan for the same opportunity.
Lioncry is a fierce she-cat with piercing blue eyes that not many can look at for long.Lioncry was a loyal warrior to her clan for a long time.Then her mate killed their only kit.She in turn killed him,and from then on she was thirsty for blood.She started with killing cats when ever she could without killing anyone in her own clan but eventually she grew jealous of the clan's nursing queens that still had their kits.So she began secretly killing them,making it look as if it had been a fox or another creature.For many moons her clan did not have kits.Eventually she was caught and sentenced to exile.She was killed by a fox before she could make it out of the territory thought.Queens used her story to scare their kits into obedience for a long time but now no one remembers her.
Barkpaw died as an apprentice helping Poisonsoul whom he had a crush on.He was killed by her when she feared he would betray her and tell the clan her true nature.For having a paw in killing some of his clan mates he was sentenced to walk the rest of eternity in the dark forest at his crush's beck and call.
Poisonsoul was Buzzardpelt's apprentice and the last medicine cat of her clan.She killed her clan mates instead of healing them because she hated them.She hates all clans because she thinks they're weak and that they are based on nothing but lies and half-truths.She knew Barkpaw had a crush on her,so she pretended to love him and fed him lies in order to make him help her kill their clan mates.Her name wasn't always Poisonsoul,it used to be Sweetsoul but she changed it to Poisonsoul right before she died at the claws of her clan's deputy.Since she no longer had to pretend to be sweet and caring.She watched from the dark forest as her clan fell apart.She now watches Ravenclan for the same opportunity.
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