Star Cave

The star cave is a large cave hidden in Ravenclan's territory.Hollystar discovered by chance when she first came across the clan's territory.She later revealed it's location to the clan's medicine cat.Only Hollystar,Her brother Fangheart,Their travelling companion Deathclaw and the clan's medicine cats know how to get to it.(Fangheart and Deathclaw because they were with her when she found it.)The cave it's self starts out as a long black tunnel which then opens into a small cave.Most of the cave's ceiling has fallen off, and a large pool of rain water has collected in the cave over the moons.This pool reflects the sky above the cave,including the stars at night which is what gave the cave it's name.Medicine cats come here every half-moon to speak to starclan cats,and leaders come to receive their nine lives.Occasionally medicine cats and leaders will come to ask starclan for guidance.

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